双猫战士中文版 Online Game
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Played: 1,254 times
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双猫战士中文版 online flash game features eye catching flash graphics and animation and beatiful sound score. It features sound and background music so be aware of that when you launch the game, keep your speakers at low volume if you're at office, especially if you have other people around you.
游戏单人一样可玩.双人玩更好 使用 A W D 键控制黄猫行动,使用 ← ↑ → 键控制蓝猫行动。每关玩家必须收集到所有的宝石,并让双猫战士都到达终点才能进入下一关 双猫战士要出发到森林中�
To start playing click the "Play Now" button bellow! Enjoy!
Game Info
Played: 1,254 times
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